Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Janelle is 1 !!!

Stephanie and I grew up together, played sports throughout high school together and got into trouble together........hard to believe we've now got our own little ones running around under our feet!! Her youngest just turned One, and she's just adorable!! I stopped in before the birthday party was going to start to get a few shots of Janelle and her brothers. She did a fantastic job.....sitting so pretty.....until her brothers came around!! I'm pretty sure she wanted the camera all to herself! haha

Such adorable kiddos!!
Until I said 'no silly faces..........lol
Stephanie and I have a pretty sweet deal......I take her kids' pictures and she makes me cakes and/or cupcakes for my birthday parties!! I'm pretty sure I'm getting the better end of this deal ;} She is a phenomenal cake maker!!

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