Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mason Newborn

Macayla is a Big Sister!! And what a proud big sister she is. The first day in the hospital she was very distraught when anyone took Mason away from her to hold him. I'm sure she's been nothing short of helpful with Mason while mommy is trying to figure out life with two kids. Mason is just so adorable! He makes his 'mad' face and scrunches his forehead which makes me laugh every time. Too cute!! Congratulations guys on your addition to your family, he's precious.


Bridget and Cyle said...

Adorable! You take the greatest pictures Stacy! I swear when Mya comes along I'll be calling you for some pictures with my two!

Elling Family said...

Thanks Bri!! I'd love to come get some pictures when Mya arrives of her and Cayden. Take Care!!